Lunch Arrangement

A. Lunch time
  • 12:45p.m. –1:45p.m.
B. Lunch options

1.    Students can bring their lunch boxes.
2.    Parents can deliver the lunch box to school.

  • Parents can enter the school from 11:45a.m. - 12:15p.m. for lunch box delivery. Students' lunch boxes can be put on the designated trolley in Activity Area (G/F).
  • The student’s name (Chinese or English full name, if any) and class should be labelled on the lunch box clearly.

3.    Students can order lunch boxes at school.

  •  Orders must be made and paid on a monthly basis.
C. Lunch arrangement
  • All students will have lunch in the classroom.
  • Students are encouraged to use their utensils. Students should prepare their tableware and table placemats.
  • Cotton table placemats are preferred for wrapping the used tableware. The tableware should be washed every day.
  • The lunch supplier will not accept daily lunch orders. Parents may contact the class teacher if needed.
D. General information of lunch supplier
  • Lunch supplier:Danny Catering Service Ltd
  • Telephone:2759-8251
  • Fax:2759-8917
E. Lunch ordering arrangement
  • The lunch order form is usually distributed in the middle of each month. Parents should check the details before paying the lunch fee.
  • Students must hand in the lunch order form with the receipt on time. If students cannot hand in the lunch order forms before the deadline set by the lunch supplier, the lunch supplier has the right not to accept the lunch order. Thus the students need to prepare lunch themselves.
  • Students have to submit the lunch order form whether they order lunch or not.
F. Cancellation of lunch / Refund arrangement
  • Cancellation of lunch due to sickness/personal leave: Parents must call the lunch supplier (6128-5829) on or before 9:00 a.m.  to apply for a refund.  Late application will not be accepted. Parents should record the lunch cancellation code for future reference.
  • Refund arrangement:The lunch refund will be deducted from the lunch order fee for the second following month. At the end of the school year, the remaining refunds will be paid in cash or check.
G. Provision of Free Lunch at School by Community Care Fund Assistance Programme
  • Students who received full grant in Student Financial Assistance Schemes are eligible to apply Free Lunch at School.
H. The arrangement of bringing snacks to school
  • Parents are requested to ensure that students have breakfast in the morning before returning to school. Prepare healthy snacks for your children if needed.

Related website :  EatSmart School @ HK
