Parents’ Education

Parents’ Programme
  • Our school provides a systematic parents ’programme which covers a variety of topics for parents.  The programme helps parents develop their healthy attitudes towards life and nurture children for their positivity.  Furthermore, the programme can strengthen the Parent-Child relationship.
  • 1.Credits and Certificates

    Ways to earn the points

    •     5 points will be given when parent participates in a parents’ seminar
    •     No expiry date for the points earned.  Parents can join the programme at their availability when their children still study at the school
    •     The total points will be counted in June and the certificates will be presented in the Speech Day.
    •     Parent will be given a certificate when he or she achieves:
              - 20 credits: Foundation
              - 25 credits: Intermediate Level
              - 30 credits: Advanced Level
              - 35 credits: First Honor
    2.2020-2021 School Year Programme and seminars

    27-04-2021 Gratitude

    20-04-2021 Fun in Mathematics

    13-04-2021 Agape: Kindness

    23-03-2021 Appreciation: Confidence, Humble

    09-03-2021 Nurture Children with Life Positivity

    • 03-11-2020  e$mart
